Although chair yoga is great for all, it is especially well suited to an ever expanding and underserved demografic seniors.
Web cam classes / pre-recorded classes are also available for those who can’t make class to do ther sessions from home. Participients can then pay for theses class and do the Yoga in the comfort of their own home.
This for me is a very rewarding demografic to teach. As people progress through later stages of life, inactivity, loneliness and lack of community engagement can be challenging and detrimental to health. A persons weekly chair yoga can become the focal point of their week, a chance to get out do something different exercise their body and mind, connect with each other sit in silence and meet like minded souls.
The Divine feminine is the feminine aspect of the Devine power that connects and binds the earth together. In other words, it is the goddess energy that exists within us all. Aspects of devine feminine can be found in almost all ancient and modern belief systems. Devine Feminine is often associated with intuition, nurturing, creativity, empathy, and wisdom these qualities are not are not limited to women but are attributes that anyone can embody regardless of gender.
Through movement and breath work we can awaken this energy and learn to embrace femininity and unleash our inner goddess. Are you ready to awaken that beautiful Goddess of wisdom with Lisa?